I will be discussing the theme of Individualism and how it plays an important role in creating a vibrant and productive society. The readings from this week were set in different time periods during Chinese history, but they each highlight how important it is to be individuals. In Diary of a Madman by Lu Xun, the reader is led to believe that the diarist is insane, but what is important to understand is that the cannibalism he writes of is really a metaphor for the oppressive society in which he lives. Once you know this you must ask yourself who is the insane one? Is it the diarist whose eyes have been opened to the backwardness of the feudal society he has always known or is it society itself who blindly allows themselves to be oppressed? Diary of a Madman was published in 1918 after the author spent time researching other societies and realized all that was wrong in China. His short story was the first of its kind in China and was modeled after Nikolai Gogol’s story of the same name. Lu Xun intended for his readers to be frustrated by their lack of Individuality and wanted to incite change.
Zhang Ailing’s Sealed Off was published twenty-five years after Lu Xun’s Diary of a Madman. The setting for this short story is in Shanghai during the Japanese occupation. The characters in this story are a traditional Chinese man and woman, but upon a closer look, the reader understands that they all feel dissatisfied with their lives. This emotional dissatisfaction parallels the “stuck” feeling the riders of the tram car feel when they are unable to physically move. China had made advancements during those twenty-five years, but Individuality was still not something that was promoted. In fact, there are numerous references to thinking being painful. The characters are busy reading other people’s words, whether it be newspapers, receipts or any other scrap of paper, rather than allowing themselves free time to actually think for themselves. Thinking would get them in trouble because they would then see how empty their existence really was. When the tram is stationary during the air raid, the two main protagonists, Zongzhan and Cuiyan allow their guard down and confide their deepest desires to each other. He even asks her to be his concubine and she ponders the idea. Once the tram begins moving, they each go their separate way acting as if their interaction had never taken place. Thus, they continue to not think or act upon their own individual desires.
Knowledge is power and it helps to promote individualism. Individualism allows people the freedom to be independent. Independence allows cultures to progress and people to become well rounded. People should never stop thinking for themselves and advocating for the change they wish to see within their communities or within themselves.
Lesson #1 – Watch this Ted Talk on Individualism by Marina Finely.
1. Introduce the lesson plans on Individuality vs. Conformity created by Media Starts. You can find the full lesson plan Here.
2. In-class discussion on current fads and trends.
3. Divide the class into small groups.
4. Assign each group a topic to discuss.
Lesson # 2 – Debate controversial fad or trend
1. Have students decided which current trend is most controversial.
2. Divide class into the groups support and oppose.
3. Have students debate each side.
Readings for ENG-355 Topic 3 - Contemporary Eastern Literature in Norton Anthology of World Literature
Diary of a Madman by Lu Xun, Volume 2
Sealed Off by Zhang Ailing, Volume 2
Man of La Mancha by Chu T'len-Hsin, Volume 2